Previously much of my environmental campaigning was undertaken via Friends of the Earth. I was a Board member for 9 years (till 2011) and Chair of Campaigns Committee for 6 ~
The main focus for my environmental work until recently was via Friends of the Earth. I’ve been coordinator of Calderdale Friends of the Earth since the late 1990s; I’m a volunteer transport and aviation campaigner; also a regional campaigner for Yorkshire & Humber, and now Leeds City Region. Previously I contributed analysis to FOE nationally on particular topics (population, housing, aviation).
I was an elected Board member of FOE for the period 2002-05, re-elected 2005-08 and 2008-11 (until November 2011) for the North East and Yorkshire & the Humber regions. I was a member of the FOE Board Campaigns Committee, and its Chair from October 2005-July 2011; and member of the Engagement Committee; and of the Board Governance Review 2004-5.