ARF Information

In 2002 I created  a website which provided a daily compilation of UK press articles on transport issues. After 6 years of continuous operation the site was transferred free of charge to Cogitamus on 1st July 2008, and still appears every day.

The motive for providing this service was simple: campaigners and decisions makers need up-to-date and important information to plan and take credible action, so wouldn’t it be helpful if one volunteer could prepare and make available that compilation for everyone else? Response from users confirmed that supposition.

That principle remains the starting point for ARF Information. In 2011 I was examining the feasibility of launching a new database product provding comprehensive, up-to-date information for environmental campaigners.  In the meantime I launched my ‘environmental campaigning information and analysis’ Twitter feed – the ‘Environmental Aggregator’ – which you can read either on this website or here. It provides, in one place, links to news and reports across a range of topics in order to keep campaigners informed and uptodate.  For items on a particular topic (e.g ‘Climate’, ‘Biodiversity, ‘Economics’) search (in Twitter): ‘anthonyraecom + #topic’

Two years and more tha 15,000 tweets later I still love the concept but my assumption that campaigners etc would want their regular information update has been disproved, since there are just 150 followers.  I’ve recently started publishing a daily newspaper edition of the same tweets, adding the space, pictures and more extended texts of that format – equally ignored.  Still, who cares!


November 2014




