I’m a fulltime environmental volunteer and campaigner, with a portfolio of activity that reaches from the local to the global. The main focus for my work is climate change
The linked pages – for Hebden Bridge, Calderdale, Leeds City Region, Yorkshire & Humber, UK and International – detail the extent of my past and present environmental campaigning. That looks something of a stretch but working at each end of the spectrum informs the other.
The main focus for this work has been via Friends of the Earth. I’ve been coordinator of Calderdale Friends of the Earth since the late 1990s; I’m a volunteer transport and aviation campaigner; also a regional campaigner for Yorkshire & Humber, and now Leeds City Region; and contribute analysis to FOE nationally on particular topics.
Locally the environmental work I undertake includes chairing and managing Calderdale Sustainability Forum (the Local Agenda 21 body) and Calder Future (the local river partnership). I advise Calderdale Council on recycling promotion. I represent the environment sector on Calderdale Forward, the local strategic partnership.
If you’d like further information about any of these issues, please contact me ~